Sliderobes Presents: The Declutter Challenge For Your Wardrobe

The New Year is a great time to embrace the idea of a clear out. One thing’s for sure, we all aspire to have a more streamlined and organised life. With the Christmas festivities just over, we find ourselves snowed in with beautiful new gifts. Whether it’s clothes, shoes, jewellery, gadgets or kids toys, they now have a new home, but no particular place for ‘safe keeping’ yet.

Get four cardboard boxes at the ready, as now is the ideal time to try our four box de-clutter challenge. It can be applied to any area of the home and involves filling four boxes labelled: Bin It, Keep It, Donate It and Store It. This is a really effective clear out challenge which forces us to make decisions on the spot about what to keep and throw away.


Firstly, we need to identify the clutter. Let’s use your wardrobe as a starting point. Perhaps you have a clothes mound or a barricade of walls made out of boxes of things to be sorted into the wardrobe. Start there! Follow with your drawers, dresser and the rest of your room – leave no space unturned. We all have items we have stashed into hiding that we really don’t need or don’t use. We keep holding on to them because every time we go to get rid, they call out to us with greater purpose as to why we need to keep it that little bit longer. That unworn jumper that has been hanging in the wardrobe for 5 months with the price tag still attached, or the bracelet you haven’t’ managed to get fixed yet – be ruthless, these all need to go!

“Use this opportunity to coordinate your clothes in a way that shows off your great style, making getting ready in the morning or evening so much more fun!”

For items you never need nor want to see again, throw them out. Old magazines, shopping bags and just general rubbish – throw it out! Worn out, broken or damaged items you still haven’t managed to get repaired, clear your mind and move them swiftly into the ‘Bin It’ box.

When an item is not damaged and is still very much useable, place it in the Donate box. You could be thinking for a friend or the charity shop but this box is for the items that you think someone else might still get use out of. Another idea for items in this box is to earn a little bit of extra cash and sell them on the likes of Ebay.


Keep any items that you regularly wear, use or need. Once everything is placed in one of the four boxes, you can start afresh and find space in your wardrobe for these things exactly where you see fit. You will find yourself with a lot more room! Use this opportunity to coordinate your clothes in a way that shows off your great style, making getting ready in the morning or evening so much more fun!

For your belongings that you just can’t part with, but don’t play a part in your everyday life, place them in storage. This box could be housed in the attic or a less intrusive space in your wardrobe.

“Once you have successfully completed your four box challenge, enjoy your room and new found organised space within your wardrobe.”

Don’t let clutter invade your space anymore. Once you have successfully completed your four box challenge, enjoy your room and new found organised space within your wardrobe. It will take you less time to find an item as you will know where exactly to look for it! Perhaps more storage is something you would like to maximise your space. Sliderobes wardrobes are designed around the shape and size of your room. Awkward spaces, under stairs or sloping ceilings are no issue for our team. Let Sliderobes Southampton design you your dream wardrobe that is as individual as you are. Our friendly and personable designers will guide you through our many different options for your wardrobe and our experienced fitters will transform your space into a haven of organisation and beauty. More shoes? Why not add a gliding shoe rack. Ask your designer about all of our fabulously practical wardrobe accessories.

Transforming your room with your very own made to measure Sliderobes wardrobe is one home improvement you can make to your house this year that will have a lasting impact well beyond 2018! Why not book your free at home design appointment today. Just call us on 0800 454 465 or visit our Sliderobes Southampton showroom at Hedge End Trade Park, Southampton, SO30 2JN.

Get in touch to arrange your free at home design appointment
Call 01489 772 870
Hedge End Trade Park, Southampton, SO30 2JN


  • alez
    May 6, 2018 11:32 am

    Ok, this sounds good. My wardrobe looks like a crime scene at the moment. Thanks!

  • alex
    May 6, 2018 11:33 am

    I need to do this right now! My closet is looking BAD! Thanks for sharing! baby care

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