How to navigate the festive season without blowing the diet!

Ah, the “C” word, a double-edged sword that transforms December into a month of merriment and indulgence. It sprinkles festive magic into every weekend, urging us to attend social events, share in the joy of the season, and savour delicious treats. Yet, it also tempts us to overindulge, whispering in our ears that it’s perfectly fine to indulge since January promises redemption. The “C” word can create a conflict, making some eager to party and others inclined to hibernate.

For those dedicated to their gym routines and healthy eating habits, the fear of undoing their hard work looms large, casting a shadow over this otherwise enchanting time of the year. But fear not, for there are ways to navigate the festive season without feeling like a party pooper or sacrificing your health and well-being.

BBN (Beauty Beyond Needles) has some valuable tips and tricks to help you strike that balance. With their guidance, you can savour the festive period while staying on track, ensuring that you kick off 2024 as the best version of yourself. These strategies will let you enjoy the season without “blowing the diet,” so you can embrace the celebrations with confidence and grace.

Be knowledgeable
Who knew there were stages to cravings, but apparently it starts with arousal, the increased attention, the desire, and then the consumption and finally regret. The last two stages, however, are completely avoidable.

Be prepared
If you know what is your nemesis then plan for it, once you recognise how the craving is working it is far easier to distract yourself for that moment, find healthier alternatives, or take your own healthy snacks and drinks.

Be Mindful
Now that can be easier said than done, the best tricks are to always put your food on a plate, even if it’s nuts, crisps or chocolate, it is easier for you to see the portion. Have everything on a smaller plate or a smaller bowl, tricking your mind that you have a full plate and not missing out. After every mouth full put your knife and fork down, even your spoon with desert. With the cheese and biscuits, never hold the cracker in your hand, after a bite always put it back on the plate.

Be Clever
Don’t get the glucose spike by eating sugary things first, if croissants or cereal are your go to breakfast, line your tummy with something savoury – a slice of cucumber, a tomato, or have a savoury breakfast instead. Don’t stand by the food/buffet/chocolate tin – you will pick mindlessly.

Be Healthy
After you have eaten go for a little walk, this really helps the glucose spike to lower and curb the cravings and the sugar slump.

Be Wise
Choose your indulgences wisely instead of sampling everything, try a couple of your favourites. Alcohol can be the thing that tips you over, so choose your tipple wisely, and share the ‘liver’ load with water by drinking a glass of water between Alcoholic drinks

Be Happy
Finally don’t deprive yourself, as I say to all of my clients, everything in moderation, live by the 80-20 rule, 80% healthy and 20% enjoy yourself, life is for living and it’s okay to over indulge once in a while. And once the Christmas period is over book in with BBN to get you back on track.

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