Colour & pattern in your home

Choosing the right colour, pattern and wallpaper for interiors can significantly enhance the overall look and feel of a room. Here I talk about some of the key factors that can guide you to make your choice.

Consider the room’s purpose: Different colours and patterns can evoke different emotions and moods. For example, warm colours like red, terracotta, and yellow can create a cosy and inviting atmosphere, while cool colours like blue and green can induce calmness and relaxation. Consider the room’s purpose when choosing the colour and pattern and the amount of time that you tend to spend in that room.

Mix and match patterns: Mixing patterns can create a visually interesting space, but it’s essential to do it carefully. Use patterns with different scales, balance bold patterns with more subtle ones and stick to a limited colour palette to avoid overwhelming the space.

Choose a focal point: A bold wallpaper or a stand out colour can serve as the focal point of a room. Use this as an opportunity to express your personality or style, but make sure it doesn’t take over the whole room.

If you would like some advice on furnishings for your home, why not book a Design Consultation at our studio in Burley.

We will have more helpful tips for you in August’s issue.

Photo credit Cole & Son

T. 01425 293430
M. 07939 590876
A. Rock, Paper Scissors Creative Interiors Ltd, 4a Garden Rd, Burley, Hampshire BH24 4EA

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