Transform your garden with artificial grass

With the popularity of artificial grass growing due to the numerous benefits it offers we talk to Shaun King, Director of South Coast Artificial Grass to help find out if this is the right option for your outdoor space.

How do I maintain artificial grass?
Artificial Grass is easy to maintain, here is what you should and shouldn’t do:

Do – Remove surface debris such as leaves using a leaf blower or stiff brush at least once a month to prevent build up of organic matter which can encourage weed growth and damage the drainage.

Brush the grass against the pile once a month with a stiff brush to rejuvenate the pile and help maintain its correct positioning. Remove pet mess from the surface and wash down.

Don’t – Have bonfires, Charcoal BBQs, fire pits or light fireworks to near the artificial grass. Its synthetic and will melt. Similarly, cigarettes left carelessly unattended on the grass will melt that area. Avoid parking cars, motorbikes or heavy vehicles on the grass as the will cause compaction.

Is artificial grass safe for children?
These days artificial grass is made from a mixture of polyethylene (commonly used in grocery bags and children’s toys), polypropylene (commonly used for plastic utensils and microwaveable containers) and nylon for heat resistance. None of these materials make it dangerous or toxic.

Is artificial grass pet friendly?
Yes. Most grasses available on the market are pet friendly. Some may argue that a PU backed grass is better than latex because latex has the potential of absorbing more urine and therefore if not washed through regularly can retain smells. A pile height of 32mm or below is recommended best due to dog muck potentially sticking in longer pile heights.

How much does artificial grass cost?
As an example the cost for a 30m2 (6m5m) area including full ground work and preparation, removal of any excavated materials, installation of new sub base, and supply and installation of UV resistant grass – is £1,500 +VAT.

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