Quality Gas Fires

For every gas fire we supply, the manufacturer has imagined the role that it plays in the lives of the end consumer. They have spent time envisaging the enjoyment, creating the ideal experience of warmth, atmosphere and comfort.

New sustainable gas fires offer innovations in energy saving (energy label A) or the use of propane/LPG gas.

The use of a gas fire is also a sustainable and future-proof alternative and if you
were to add this to a system incorporating a heat pump, providing the basic heat the rooms require which is then supplemented with additional heating supplied by the gas fire, you are sure to keep warm on cold winter days.

There are a number of benefits to having a gas fire; They bring warmth and ambiance into your living room, making you feel at home, they are safe, clean and simple, With a gas fire, you never need to buy wood to create a cosy fire and to heat your house efficiently and pleasantly.

We have a large range of Gas fires available for every budget, large invisible glass windows to give the ultimate seamless look, reflective glass backings to give endless depth to the dancing flames, tall freestanding options to give height and 180 degree viewing windows in cylindrical models that throw the light and warmth in all directions.

The option for Gas has never been as enticing as it is now, and the realistic flames can make you question whether you are seeing a gas flame at all.

Our dedicated Gas showroom has various design scenarios to inspire any first time DIY projects through to something a little more WOW to build and enhance your portfolio, that any interior designer will be worthy of.

Why not get things moving now during the warmer months, so you get to enjoy the benefits right from the start of the onset of cooler weather.

T. 01202 888561
E. info@firebydesign.co.uk
A. 13D Riverside Park, Wimborne. BH21 1QU


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