Hints and tip on preparing your property

Winter can be a time of beauty and celebration, but for many it can be a time of gruelling weather and damage to our homes / property. As insurance policies do not cover certain events, this guide will hopefully assist you in preventing extensive costs in maintenance and repairs.

PREPARING FOR FLOODS – If your property is in a high risk area for flooding, or has flooded previously, make sure you have sandbags and other flood protection on standby ready for a possible event.

KEEPING PIPES WARM – Keeping your property warmer and at a constant temperature can help prevent the freezing of pipes and water leaks.

SEAL SMALL CRACKS – If you find any cracks in your external walls, seal these before cold weather approaches. Water particles can become trapped in the smallest of cracks, which then expand when frozen. This can result in cracks becoming larger and walls weaker over time.

ADEQUATE LIGHTING – As the days are shorter during winter months, try to ensure that your property is well lit when it comes to pathways and drives.

ACTING QUICKLY – One major problem following extreme weather conditions can be the lack of contractors available. By acting quickly, you will increase your chances of a contractor visiting your property within a reasonable timescale

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