No January Blues in sight…

January is a good time to reflect, so I’m looking back to that time of year that every hospitality worker loves – The Christmas chaos. Party after party, cracker debris, drunken work gatherings galore, not a decent night’s sleep in sight for you and your team for 5 weeks and glitter, oh the glitter. But was it really like this? Or I am I talking about year’s gone by?

Times when Black Friday- aka “Black eye Friday” was the name for the last day of office prior to Christmas when the restaurants, pubs and bars were filled to the rafters with revellers all day long and not the shopping black Friday…

December 2019 certainly felt as though we’re talking about the madness of old, and whilst the festive holidays certainly kept operators on their toes, did it really reach the dizzying heights that we used to see? You could definitely pick up a deal wherever you looked and whilst everyone was filled to the rafters – did the revellers really spend the money they used to?

It was an interesting year for the market for sure, our old friend politics certainly had a lot do with this. The unease spread and crept into everyone’s pockets, parting with cash for a meal out or a bottle of wine was a real treat and not a commodity.

A General Election in December is a beyond rare occurrence, an event that certainly wasn’t budgeted into the 6 weeks of Christmas. But now that it’s all over, where does that leave us? Has the country breathed a sigh of relief… potentially! Only time will tell, but one thing is for certain, we are all excited about the remainder of the year. 2019 was a topsy-turvy 12 months and our thoughts are with those Hospitality Heroes who regardless still fell asleep at Christmas dinner!

May you have a restful January! Happy New Year!

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