What Is Space Planning?

Katie Thomas, Design Director of KTM Design and Regional Director of the Society of British and International Design (SBID)

Space always matters, and people value it highly, so it is worth using design tricks to make your property feel more spacious in any way you can.

Space planning is a fundamental element of the interior design process. Whether you are extending your property or re-configuring the existing layout, it starts with an in-depth analysis of how the space is to be used, and then plans are drawn up showing the defined zones of the space, the activities that will take place and circulation patterns showing how people will move through the space. Once this is established, details of all the furniture, equipment and hardware is considered. This is a good way to avoid frustrating and expensive mistakes.

Here are some top tips when considering the spatial layout of your property:

Determine the purpose of each room – each space should have its own identity
This can be done through a change in style or colour scheme, and in large or long spaces, subdivide different activity zones to give definition to each part of the room.

Consider technology and equipment requirements early on
This is about planning ahead and ensuring that the lighting and electrical layouts, and the positioning of sockets, will best suit the space once all of the furniture and equipment is in place.

Create zones using different types of lighting and furniture
Creating zones gives a more homely and welcoming feel to a space.

Don’t align a lot of furniture adjacent to the walls
Where possible and if space allows, go for a centralised interior approach. It gives much more space to move around and looks more elegant, with a nicer flow through the space.

Think about the focal points of the room, balance, symmetry and natural daylight
Main focal points could be windows, fireplaces, doors or built-in units – if they don’t feel balanced in the room, think about what you can add to the space to help balance the structure of the space. Remember that the human eye is drawn to focal points, and will scan a space when entering it.

For more information about how KTM Design can help you with Interior Design and Space Planning or to book your complimentary design consultation, please call 01202 069499 or email info@ktmdesign.co.uk


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